
The town has been awarded the label “Villes et Villages Fleuris”

label Villes et Villages Fleuris

The attribution of the label 1 flower to the commune of Clérac

What is the label?

The label rewards a process of valorisation by the plant which is part of a global and long-term municipal ambition.

the label is now committed to issues such as improving the living environment, developing the local economy, tourist attractiveness, respect for the environment, the preservation of the social bond and especially the place of vegetation in the development of public spaces.

Why did the municipality want to participate?

The municipality wanted to participate because it strives to enhance the living environment and its tourist attractiveness in respect of the environment.

In recent years, she has been awarded the departmental prize for towns and villages in bloom. It therefore logically wished to be granted national recognition

You can download the dossier de présentation 2017.

What does the jury’s decision say?

The jury met on 16 October 2017 and decided to award the label “1 fleur” to the commune of Clérac.

Despite this, some improvements are to be implemented (inventory of public spaces, training on the size, flowering in the ground to prefer …), encouragement to continue the educational garden at the level of the children were given also.

The municipality received the thanks of the jury for the visit, the commitment of the elected officials and technicians and their will to make live the village in an approach respectful of the environment by associating the inhabitants there. Opposite the photo of the awards ceremony of January 12, 2018 (the technicians could not be present that day).



The works move forward

The works of the second slice started again at the beginning of November. For the record, the building will welcome the library and the mail agency. These two services will so will been refocused and accessible to the people with reduced mobility.

Population census 2018

The census will take place to Clérac from January 18th, 2018 till February 17th, 2018.

The census, it is useful for all

The census allows to know the number of people who live in France. He determines the official population of every municipality. Of these figures results the participation of the State in the budget of the municipalities: the more a municipality is populated, the more this participation is important. Of the number of inhabitants also depend the number of elected representatives to the City Council, the determination of the voting system, the number of pharmacies …
Besides, to open a day-nursery, to install a trade, to build housing or to develop the means of transportation are projects leaning on knowledge fi not of the population of every municipality (age, profession, means of transportation, housing conditions …).
Enfi n, the census also helps the professionals know better their markets, and associations their public.
In brief, the census allows to fit the public action to the needs for the population. That is why it is essential that each participates in it!

The census, it is simple: answer by internet as already 4,8 million people

A census taker recruited by your city hall will appear at your home(with you) provided with its official card(map). He(it) will put back to(hand) you the note on which your identifiers appear to make you list(count) on-line. If you cannot answer by internet, the census taker will put back to(hand) you the paper questionnaires to fill(perform) that he will then come to recover at the agreed moment you. To facilitate his(her,its) work, thank you for answering under a few days.

Two census takers were so appointed: Ladies Marie-Line GORDO and Marie-Nils WACHE, reserve them a good welcome !

The census, it is sure : your personal information is protected

Only the Insee (National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies) is authorized to exploit questionnaires. They can thus give rise to no administrative control or fi scal. Your name and your address are nevertheless necessary to be sure that housing and people are counted only once. During the treatment of questionnaires, your name and your address are not registered and are not thus preserved in databases. Finally, all the people having access to questionnaires (who the census takers) are bound by professional secrecy.

Implementation of recycling bin

The municipality installed two recycling bins

The municipality noticed that dog mess could be present on certain public places, to help the owners of dogs left his(her,its) places in a suitable state, the municipality decided to install two recycling bins. They were installed there is a few weeks.

One of her is on the place of the church and the other one on the playground near the school.

The quality of life of all will so be protected if everybody makes an effort there.

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